The 8 Best Yoga Blogs in 2017


Yoga is touching. It is way more than just a physical practice. It is complex, and deeply personal. At whatever stage in your yoga practice, you probably feel the need to learn more and dive deeply into this world of knowledge. Sure, books and teachers are great, but blogs are another (and cheaper) way to go. Blogs sometimes feel like they have been written by a friend, which makes the information really easy to grasp. The best thing about blogs though, is that they are SO inspirational. They inspire people to do more (or less), to live better and act better, either throught their words or beautiful pictures.

It can be hard to find your favorite yoga blog. We saved you the trouble and found the best ones out there according to us! (in no particular order)

Yogi Approved

Yogi Approved is about living a healthier and happier life. They have a strong focus of yoga, as the name suggests. They have classes and many articles on healthy food, healthy living, yoga tips and lots of inspiration.

Journey Junkie

This is the most visually pleasing yoga blog in our opinion. But not just that; it’s full of tips, yoga information, tutorials and more. If you get inspired by beautiful pictures, this one will probably be your favorite.

Yogi Times

They call themselves the Lifestyle guide for the modern yogi which is quite true because the content is always fresh. In fact, this blog is powered by the community, people write their ideas and share them of Yogi Times. It makes the content diverse and always different. 

Yoga by Candace

Another beautiful blog here! Look no further if you want recipes, yoga programs, articles full of useful information and motivation to get in shape!

Yoga Journal

The website is the online version of the 40 year-old magazine of the same name. It is truly a pillar of content creation in the yoga community! The website is rich in information of all sorts, from asanas to Ayurveda, tips, healthy living and yoga products of all kinds! It’s a good website to start with if you haven’t already, but it’s not so personal.


Life, yoga, food and travel. Pretty pictures. Cool writing. Positive vibes. We like it! Ju is from Austria and writes her blog both in German and English. It has cool info, but mostly it feels very friendly and personal, which we can only love!

Rachel Brathen

Rachel Brathen is Yoga Girl on Instagram. You probably know her, right? Did you know she was blogging too? She writes beautiful articles about life, yoga, meditation and recipes. Recently she’s been writing about motherhood because she gave birth to her little one.

Do You Yoga

This one is a fun read more than very insightful. But it’s still great! There is a lot of information, tips and inspiration!


Chic Tonique

This one is in French (pour nos Québécoises!). It’s not about yoga (although they have a few articles on it), but about inspiring girls to live happily and healthily! They write about recipes, fitness, beauty, wellness, etc. Their blog is full of positive vibes and inspires girls to live in balance; not too much fitness, not too much indulging. Just the perfect balance to be happy!

Elephant Journal

Elephant Journal is about living a mindful life. It is edgy, spiritual, down to earth and eclectic all at the same time. You’ll be sure to find pieces that are a balm to your heart or a true inspiration to change things up in your life.

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